Rethinking how we solve social issues
It starts with Human Respect.
The Moral Principle of Human Respect
To promote happiness, harmony, and prosperity, I will neither initiate violence against others, nor will I diminish the wealth of others through theft, fraud, or destruction of their property.
Based on…
The Natural Principle of Human Respect
Human Happiness, Harmony, and Prosperity will always decrease as persons experience:
The initiation of violence, or
The theft of their property or time through force or fraud.

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Insight Discussions are Socratic-style dialogues designed to explore values, challenge preconceived ideas, discover common ground, and illuminate the potential for a more harmonious society.
Theft and violence always reduce happiness, harmony, and prosperity. Always.

The Conversation
We learned basic playground rules in childhood: Don’t hit each other, don’t take what’s not yours, and always keep your word. As adults we know we need to follow these rules if we want to have positive relationships and find success in our personal lives and at work. But where does this concept get lost?